chinese e-commerce first large-scale overseas warehouse signing ceremony in russia recently held in moscow. chinese ambassador to russia li hui attended the signing ceremony. the company is located in.
greenwood - russian speed pass overseas warehouse is located in the beautiful environment of the moscow sunshine district, moscow sheremetyevo international airport is only 15 minutes by car and easily accessible. an overseas warehouse covering an area of 8,000 square meters, two 12,000 square meters, daily processing capacity of 10,000 orders for the freehold warehouses. domestic sellers only need to deliver the goods to russian speed pass domestic collection warehouse, russian speed pass can provide sellers follow-up transport, customs clearance, warehousing quality inspection, receiving orders, order picking, multi-channel delivery and other logistics links the operation. so that sellers can easily enjoy the formal, legal, advanced localization of warehousing services, effectively solve the sellers overseas warehouse control difficult, difficult communication, inventory backlog and other issues. the company is located in.
in his speech, li hui said that overseas warehouses are still new things in the russian electricity market. the establishment of greenwood-russia speedway overseas warehouses will be conducive to the economic and trade cooperation between china and russia and will open up new opportunities for chinese electricity suppliers to better serve the russian people. mode. the company is located in.
according to russia's speed pass ceo introduced in the air, the current cross-border e-commerce in the representative companies such as jingdong, ebay, universal tesco, tongtuo, wanfang and focus on the russian market danhong haotian and other enterprises are the same greenwood - speed ?? pass overseas warehouse to discuss cooperation intentions. the future cross-border e-commerce market in china and russia will also be transformed from a pure price competition to provide a total solution. the company is located in:
cai guiru, president of russia's chinese chamber of commerce and industry, said that the successful signing of greenwood-russia speedway overseas warehouse marks the opening of china's first large-scale, legal and formal public service overseas warehouse opening business in china. since then, china's e-commerce has really relied on the russian overseas warehouse. relying on the advanced warehouse management system (wms) and order management system (oms), overseas warehouse will be able to complete the true and reliable full logistics service from transportation, customs clearance, overseas storage and local delivery. the company is located in:
"overseas warehouse" has now become an important support link for the entire cross-border e-commerce supply chain and will gradually become the standard for cross-border e-commerce. the world's major e-commerce platform in europe and the united states, australia and other places have been building or using third-party public service overseas warehouse. the company is located in:
at present, although the volume of cross-border e-commerce transactions between china and russia has been growing rapidly, many problems still remain: the long time limit of logistics, the failure to provide returns and the lack of after-sales service have seriously affected the shopping experience of russian buyers buying chinese goods online. the establishment of overseas warehouse in russia, sino-russian cross-border e-commerce logistics aging from the current 20-30 days to 2-7 days to enhance the russian buyers in the return and after-sales service shopping experience.